First Contact Cards

First Contact scheme

First Contact helps people who are over 60 years old access a range of information to live independently at home and be more mobile.

We do this by maximising the opportunities for agencies to complete a simple checklist, with the older people they are routinely visiting, or coming into contact. The checklist helps to identify if a person will benefit from the other services offered under the First Contact scheme. The referral will be passed to the relevant agency, to contact the older person directly and to deliver the appropriate services.

It encourages take up of services through trusted and known professionals and/or volunteers, who can explain the positive side of seeking help and the types of service available. The scheme uses a simple, quick and easy checklist of questions, which enables staff and volunteers to ascertain the needs of the person. The checklist is completed by the agency which first has contact with the older person. It is usually completed by the member of staff or volunteer from the agency, in conjunction with the older person.

You can also pick up a the checklist from South Gloucestershire libraries or One Stop Shops and complete it yourself.

You may prefer to download the First Contact Postcard , complete it yourself and return it to us at the Freepost address on the form.

 Consult with us online!